Table of Contents |
SIS Integration Configuration
This document will outline the steps necessary to set up form elements for SIS integration / Import from SIS. Each field will require a couple of attributes as well as referencing the SIS Integration Field Mapping Chart.
Field Attributes
The fields that are to be set up for SIS import will require the following attributes to be applied.
Attribute | Description / Value |
SISIntegrationInitiative |
This attribute will refer to the form ID of the form that the SIS import is being configured on. |
SISFieldAlias | The value of this attribute depends on which field is being imported. reference the SIS Integration Field Alias’ lists, and make sure to use the correct field alias’ for the type of data integration the tenant is set up for (Textfile, Maplewood, or Powerschool). |
Other Considerations
If the form being set up for SIS integration is a shared form then there may be multiple form IDs required on the SISIntegrationInitiative attribtue. This is due to each of the shared forms having their own form ID. All the form IDs of the shared forms should be included as a comma delimited list (ex: 3499,2556,2788). SIS import will work specific to what form IDs are included, however it is standard practice to include all shared form IDs. If a form is already set up for SIS import, and there are any form IDs included which seam unfamiliar, they should not be removed since they may belong to another version of the shared form.
TextFile SIS Integration Field Alias’
- PSExtContacts_City
- PSExtContacts_ContactFirstName
- PSExtContacts_ContactLangComp
- PSExtContacts_ContactLangSpokenHome
- PSExtContacts_ContactLastName
- PSExtContacts_EmailAddress1
- PSExtContacts_EmailAddress2
- PSExtContacts_GradeLevel
- PSExtContacts_HomePhone
- PSExtContacts_HomeRoom
- PSExtContacts_IsCustodialContact
- PSExtContacts_IsEmergencyContact
- PSExtContacts_IsLivesWithContact
- PSExtContacts_IsReceivesMailContact
- PSExtContacts_IsSchoolPickupContact
- PSExtContacts_Phone1
- PSExtContacts_Phone1Ext
- PSExtContacts_Phone1Type
- PSExtContacts_Phone2
- PSExtContacts_Phone2Ext
- PSExtContacts_Phone2Type
- PSExtContacts_Phone3
- PSExtContacts_Phone3Ext
- PSExtContacts_Phone3Type
- PSExtContacts_PostalCode
- PSExtContacts_Relationshiptype
- PSExtContacts_State
- PSExtContacts_Street
- PSExtContacts_Street2
- PSExtContacts_StudentDOB
- PSExtContacts_StudentFirstName
- PSExtContacts_StudentLastName
- PSExtContacts_StudentNumber
- PSExtContacts_Unit
- areaDirector
- areaPrincipal
- schoolCompleteAddress
- principal
- schoolAdmin1
- schoolAdmin2
- schoolCity
- schoolFax
- schoolMailingAddress
- locationSchoolName
- schoolPhone
- schoolPOBox
- schoolPopulation
- schoolPostalCode
- schoolStreetAddress
- schoolType
- superintendent
- vicePrincipal
- aboriginalAcademicAchievementGrant
- attendanceTotAbsences
- attendanceTotLates
- studentBirthdate
- StudentsCompleteAddress
- countryOrigin
- currentCredits
- ELLCode
- exceptionalityCode
- exceptionalityCode2
- studentFirstName
- FNMIStudent
- fundingCategory
- fundingLevel
- fundingRenewalDate
- grantProgram
- grantProgram2
- grantProgram3
- homeLanguage
- homeroomTeacher
- studentLastName
- studentLocalId
- medical
- medical2
- medical3
- medical4
- medical5
- nonFundedExceptional
- parent1Agency
- parent1Cell
- parent1City
- parent1Custody
- parent1Email
- parent1LivesWith
- parent1MailingAddress
- parent1Name
- parent1Phone
- parent1POBox
- parent1PostalCode
- parent1StreetAddress
- parent1Workphone
- parent2Agency
- parent2Cell
- parent2City
- parent2Custody
- parent2Email
- parent2LivesWith
- parent2MailingAddress
- parent2Name
- parent2Phone
- parent2POBox
- parent2PostalCode
- parent2StreetAddress
- parent2Workphone
- parent3Agency
- parent3Cell
- parent3City
- parent3Custody
- parent3Email
- parent3LivesWith
- parent3MailingAddress
- parent3Name
- parent3Phone
- parent3POBox
- parent3PostalCode
- parent3StreetAddress
- parent3Workphone
- previousSchool
- studentProprietaryId
- protectedStudent
- studentSchoolName
- schoolProgram
- studentCell
- studentCity
- studentGender
- grade
- studentGradeLevel
- studentMailingAddress
- studentPhone
- studentPOBox
- studentPostalCode
- studentProvince
- studentStreetAddress
- studentTenantId
- staffBirthdate
- contract
- contractElement
- employmentStatus
- staffFirstName
- staffLastName
- middleName
- organization
- organizationFix
- organizationPhone
- position
- staffSchoolName
- serviceProvided
- staffCity
- staffGender
- staffMailingAddress
- staffPOBox
- staffPostalCode
- staffStreetAddress
- supervisor
- teacherEmail
MapleWood SIS Integration Field Alias’
- GuardianCompleteAddressOneLine
- Father
- FatherCellPhone
- FatherEmail
- FatherAddress
- FatherHomePhone
- FatherWorkPhone
- Mother
- MotherCellPhone
- MotherEmail
- MotherAddress
- MotherHomePhone
- MotherWorkPhone
- GuardianFirstName
- GuardianPhone
- SchoolCity
- SchoolCountry
- SchoolPhone
- SchoolPostalCode
- SchoolProvince
- SchoolName
- SchoolStreetAddress
- BothGuardians
- StudentsCompleteAddress
- StudentsCompleteAddressOneLine
- CompleteAddressNoFirstLine
- CompleteAddressNoFirstLine1Line
- LegalFirstName
- StudentGradeLevel
- LegalLastName
- LegalName
- MiddleName
- StudentsPhone
- StudentSchoolName
- FirstName
PowerSchool SIS Integration Field Alias’
- EmergencyContact1
- EmergencyContactPhone1
- Father
- Mother
- BothGuardians
- StudentsCompleteAddressOneLine
- StudentsPhone
- SchoolPrincipal
- StudentGradeLevel
- StudentSchoolName
- emerg_3_phone
- father_home_phone
- fatherdayphone
- StudentGender
- guardian
- guardiandayphone
- guardianship
- guardianshipdayphone
- StudentMailingAddress
- mother_home_phone
- motherdayphone
- StudentsCompleteAddress
- primarylanguage
- secondarylanguage