Release Notes
Version 23.16.0
Released: August 28th, 2023
Added a page right to control the visibility of the legacy “Dashboard” button.
Corrected a bug that would prevent forms from being listed on certain older pages.
Updated the Dashboard Listings card to only show a single row when “All Locations” is selected.
When all locations are selected, the “Location(s)” column will still appear. However, the value displayed will be:-
For a person with a single location, the location name will be displayed.
For a person with more than one location, the number of locations will be displayed.
Form Engine
Corrected a bug that would cause the Completion Meter from displaying on French template forms.
Corrected a bug where Form to Form would create two records when the target person had no records for the target form.
Updated the Form to Form feature to allow for the Import to select a non-current record to use as the source of the data, based on definable matching criteria.
This feature currently has no UI, so please contact clevr to have this feature enabled for your forms.
Form Editor
- Updated the form editor to not update Date Last Modified of the form template after discarding your edits.
- Corrected an error that would prevent notifications from being sent.
Notification Board
- Corrected an error that would prevent notifications from being marked as read.
Record Rollover Wizard
- Increased the reliability of the Record Rollover Wizard Summary table.