Release Date: September 19th, 2018


  • Support for additional data fields through clevr on-demand integration

  • Ability to specify Home vs Concurrent student enrollment during nightly integration

  • Ability to schedule On-demand integration to be performed nightly for specific clevr forms


  • New feature allows users to set up scheduled search reports from clevr via email


  • Names are sorted alphabetically when searching for a person in the User Module


  • Fields flagged for SIS Integration, Searching, Bulk Data Entry, Required Fields, etc are now automatically updated when a form is copied


  • Overhaul to Advanced Search to improve performance. Users will notice Advanced Search and Saved Searches run much faster!

  • Enhancements to the Listing Screen to improve performance. Page will load faster when users log in or navigate to a form from the clevr Dashboard.

  • Improvements to performance when a user clones a clevr record or performs a record rollover from Bulk Data Entry

  • Performance improvements to the copy page feature within the Editor

  • Improvements to performance when loading a form into the Editor


  • A generic message is presented on screen to users changing their clevr password

  • Additional logging when a record is set Inactive within clevr


  • Support added for an unlimited number of roles with a toggle to determine whether the role is class aligned


  • Groups and Classes – Some teacher names were not appearing in the class list in the Groups and Classes module. This issue has been resolved.

  • Dashboard

    • Some metrics fields were showing incorrect totals on the dashboard. This issue has been resolved.

    • Some form tiles were loading a blank screen. This issue has been resolved.

  • SQL Exception Errors – SQL exception errors were generated when various functions were performed in the Editor (load a form in the editor, drag and drop elements, create new form, discard draft). These errors were unseen by end users, however may have affected overall performance of clevr. These issues have been resolved.

  • Connection Pool Timeout Error – Connection Pool Timeout Error would occasionally appear. This error was caused by a large number of active connections to the database. A patch has been applied to resolve this issue.

  • Digital Signatures – Icon was not appearing for roles who had access to this feature. This issue has been resolved.

  • Saved Searches – Searches with a special character in the name were not appearing in the Saved Search list. This issue has been resolved.

  • clevr Profile – Could not upload an image for a student with a Pre-registered status in the Student Information System. This issue has been resolved.

  • Editor – A second apostrophe was added when saving a form with an apostrophe in the form name. This issue has been resolved.

  • clevr Client Specific (Saskatoon Public Schools) – The all roles dropdown on the Advanced Search screen was not appearing. This has been resolved.