clevr™ is a cloud-based electronic forms and workflow solution that enables educators as well as parents / legal guardians to complete school forms with ease, and facilitate instant communication. clevr is a real-time environment with a robust set of tools to help educators and parents stay informed and connected during the education process.
Role-Based Dashboards
Notifications and Alerts
Electronic Signatures
Submit Forms Online
The Form Management module is used to give you an overview of the settings applied to forms and to grant access to advanced form editing options such as notification configuration, categorizing the form, and linking forms to be used in form to form integration. The Form Management – Categories module is used to categorize forms.
This document will provide you with an overview of the Form Management and Form Management – Define Categories modules and will walk you through how to use all the features.
As you grow your usage of clevr, you may find that your list of forms is getting long, which could take some time scrolling through to find the exact form you’re looking for.
The Form Management – Categories module is used to help you organize and categorize forms by type, department, or use case. Categories are unique to your clevr environment. For example: Clinical Support Services or Parent Forms.
Once your forms are categorized, the category names will appear within the Category dropdown in the Listings Card on the Dashboard. The Category dropdown has default All or Uncategorized options and controls which forms appear within the Form dropdown on the Listings Card.
Categories will also appear if you are using the Quick Links Card from the clevr Dashboard.
How to Assign Categories to Forms
How to Assign Categories to Forms
Form categories can be configured under Configuration > Form Management – Categories.
Click the title of a form to open its Form Category page.
From here, you can edit the title of a form category and add or remove forms to this category. Click Edit on the Form Category Card to change the category name and description. Click Add or Remove to select from your list of clevr forms to add or remove them from the category.
Accessing Form Management
Form categories can be configured under Configuration > Form Management.
The Form Management module gives you an overview of the settings applied to forms and grants you the ability to configure these options.
Create a New Form
The Add Form button in the top right corner of the Manage Forms header can be used by clients with Editor access to create a new form. Please see our clevr Form Editor documentation for Editor specific information.
The top of the Form Management module has a filtering function that is collapsed by default. If you wish to apply a filter, click on Filters to expand it.
The icon of the trash can is used to remove a filter. The icon of the plus sign is used to add additional filters. Once you have selected the appropriate filters, click Apply to run your search.
Filtering – Extracting Reports
You can extract reports of the data contained within the filters on all searchable sections in clevr. These searchable sections can be found within all newer modules.
Locate the icon of the three dots on the right side of the filtering section, then click Export Data. A file will be downloaded on your computer.
Form Settings Overview
Within the Form Management module, you will have an overview of the form configuration.
Form Category – As you grow your usage of clevr, you may find that your list of forms is getting long. Form Categories are used to help you organize and categorize forms by type, department, or use case. Categories are unique to your clevr environment. For example: Clinical Support Services or Parent Forms. If a form has a category assigned, it will appear under this heading.
Include Rollover – A Record Rollover is the process used in clevr to archive records between school years or semesters. This field shows if the form has been configured to be included in the Record Rollover process for manual processing.
Records will be displayed across all locations person is assigned – This setting allows the records associated with a person to transfer to their new school if they move to a new location. If this setting has not been enabled, if the person moves to a new location they will need to be added to the listings card manually for all forms at their new location.
Auto Create Record – This setting allows records for the specified roles or grades to be generated automatically. The column will display the names of all roles with this setting enabled.
Shared Status – A shared form is a single form template that is used in multiple places, often across multiple school districts. Changes to the template in any of the shared places affect the template for all instances of the form. Changes are only allowed by the districts that “own” the form, as defined by the agreements made when the form was shared. Printouts attached to an instance of the report are unique to that instance.
Record Retention Policy – This setting allows you to develop a policy to specify which records for a form should be deleted when the nightly integration runs.
Locked for Editing – If the form is currently open in the clevr Form Editor or if a user has a draft saved, it will be locked for editing. It’s only possible for a single person to edit a form at a time. The column will display yes or no values. Before you open a form with the editor, you should check to make sure it’s not locked for editing by someone else before attempting to open the form. If another person has the form locked for editing with a draft saved, if you open the editor you will take possession of their changes and will commit those changes if you publish. If someone else currently has the form open and you open it with the Editor, an error message will be generated and the form will be locked.
Locked On – The date and time that the form was locked for editing. Time stamps are recorded in EST.
Locked By – The name of the user who has the form locked.
Click on the name of a form listed in the table above to open advanced configuration options for the form.
Edit Form Details
How to Access
To edit the details of a form, navigate to Configuration > Form Management. Click on a form name within the table to edit it.
After clicking Edit, you will be directed to a new page providing you with advanced options to:
View and configure details regarding the form
Form Rights
Form Categories
Link Forms
Edit Form Details – Design Form, Copy Form, and Delete Form
The top right corner of this page has a Design Form option which will open the Editor for the selected form. Beside this button, there is an icon of three dots. Clicking this icon gives you the option to either copy or delete a form.
Requirements for Deleting a Form:
Form must not be the default form for any roles
Form must not be locked for editing
Edit Form Details
Edit Form details allows you to manage these form functions / features. Click the Edit button to configure any of the following settings:
Form name – The name of the form as it appears within clevr.
Include in Rollover – A Record Rollover is the process used in clevr to archive records between school years or semesters. This field allows you to configure if the form should be included in the Record Rollover process.
Records will be displayed across all locations person is assigned – This setting allows the records associated with a person to transfer to their new school if they move to a new location. If this setting has not been enabled, if the person moves to a new location they will need to be added to the listings card manually for all forms at their new location.
Update fields on the form flagged for data integration (Text file only) – This setting allows you to configure the Import Data process to run at night with the integration. If you enable this setting, you must time your clevr Record Rollover ahead of your SIS rollover, otherwise next year’s data will integrate into this year’s record.
Automatically Create Records for the Selected Roles – This setting allows records for the specified roles to be generated automatically. You will have a list of all roles available within your tenant to select from.
Automatically Create Records for Students in the Following Grades – This setting allows records for the specified grades to be generated automatically. You will have a list of all grades available within your tenant to select from.
Once you’ve configured your settings, click Save.
Form Management – Reports
The Reports Card of the Form Management module allows you to manage and edit Summary Reports. Summary Reports are highly specialized printouts that do not appear under the print menu, they appear on the Listings Card on the Dashboard.
You can click the Add button to add a new Summary Report or edit an existing report by clicking on the report name.
Training for this module along with the documentation will be released at a future date.
Form Management – Notifications
A Notification is a workflow item that is setup on a form. This deploys an email to a specific user and/or role when the notification on the form is triggered. The Notifications Card in the Form Management Module is used to configure notifications.
New notifications can be added by clicking on the Add button. An existing notification can be configured by clicking on the notification name.
The table in the Notifications Card displays a list of notifications that are associated with the form, along with important information about each notification. A notification can only be triggered on the form that it is associated with.
The columns display the following information:
Notification Name – This is the name of the notification. The name is used to trigger the notification when configuring the form, and it is the name that appears for the notification within the Notification Board (as the Notification column).
Description – The description is a hidden field that can be used to provide information and context about the notification. It is not displayed anywhere else in clevr.
Users – The users column lists the email addresses of the users that will receive the notification.
Roles – The roles column contains a list of roles that will receive the notification, restricted by the locations listed.
Locations – The locations column lists the locations that users must be assigned to receive the notification if they are assigned to a role configured to receive notifications.
Automatic URL Login – Automatic URL Login indicates whether or not this notification utilizes a feature to include a link in the email that provides no credential access to the record where the notification was deployed. This option has significant security implications, we strongly suggest not using this feature.
For more detailed information on configuring these columns along with how to configure the clevr Form Editor for notifications, please refer to this document.
Form Management – Form Rights
Within clevr, form rights control which roles have access to a form and the level of permission they have. Custom Permissions indicates that there are parts of the form the role has permissions different from the one displayed. For example a role can have full access to the first tab of a form, but read only to the rest of the tabs.
Click the Add button to configure new permissions.
To modify existing permissions, click on the name of a role.
clevr has four different base level permissions that can be applied to a form:
Full Access – Grants a role permission to see and make changes to a form.
Read Only – Grants a role permission to view in read only mode with no access to make changes or edit the form.
No Access – This permission level prevents the role from being able to see the form.
Full and Editor Access – Grants a role full access to the form and will also allow them to open the form with the clevr Form Editor.
*Training on the clevr Form Editor is required to be able to use this form right.
After you have configured the base level permissions you will be prompted to set the level of access the role will have using the record access rights. Record access rights control which records the user will have access to.
Default – This right grants the role default access to records for the form.
For student forms – If the role is class aligned, users will see only the records of students enrolled in their classes. If the role is not class aligned, they will be able to see the records of all students.
For staff forms – If the role is class aligned, users will only be able to see their own record. If the role is not class aligned, they will be able to see the records of all staff tied to the location(s) in their user account.
For school forms – If the role is class aligned, users will not be able to see any records. If the role is not class aligned, they will be able to see the records of all schools available within their account.
Public Form – This overrides the classes setting and grants users within the role the ability to see all records at the location(s) added to their user account. For example, if a teacher role is class aligned, but the role has public access rights applied, users with the role will be able to see all records at the location(s) applied to their user account.
Private Form – This overrides the Groups and Classes setting and grants users within the role the ability to see only their record. This setting is only used for staff forms.
Exclude Subject of Form – This setting is used to prevent a person from accessing their own record and still be able to view all other records assigned to the form when they are not the group owner or supervisor. For example, a person managing a COVID tracing form can only change records for other individuals.
Subject of form – This is used to allow a person to be added to a form and to prevent the person from seeing or accessing any records for that form. This functions the exact same as No Access, but must be applied if your implementation is using automated roles. For example, if you are completing a teaching evaluation form where teachers will have records but you do not want teachers to be able to see any records for this form, you would apply the Subject of Form permission instead of No Access. No access will remove the form from the user’s account when the account automation runs.
There are a few additional settings that can be configured with regards to form permissions.
Role cannot add records to this form – This setting prevents users with the specified role from being able to add records to the form.
Role cannot delete records from this form – This setting prevents users with the specified role from being able to remove records from the form.
Form Management – Link Form
A link allows you to specify a one way permission to transfer information between forms. The form you create the link under is the parent form. When you link a form to the parent form, you are selecting the form that has permission to receive the information.
clevr current supports two styles of form to form integration – push form to form integration and pull form to form integration. Push form to form integration allows you to pass data between the records of different persons. The trigger is on form one and gets pushed over to form two when the trigger on form 1 is selected. Pull Form to Form Integration allows you to pass data between the records of the same person. Content is authored in form one, then when a user is ready to import it into form two they do so by clicking Integration > Import Data.
Two forms can be linked by clicking on the New Link button within the Link Form card in the Form Management module.
Select the form you’d like to create the link for. If you would like to link the forms for Push Form To Form integration, select Allow data to be transferred to other person records. If you would like to link forms for Pull Form To Form integration, select Form can receive data from another form. When you’ve made your selection, click Save.
Once the forms have been linked, the clevr Form Editor is needed to set up the form specific functionality. Documentation for the clevr Form Editor portion of this setup is under development.
Form Management – Share Form
Form Management – Share Form
A shared form allows you to make a form available multiple times on a tenant, or even allows you to share the form across multiple tenants so that a single version of the form can be maintained. Any edits made to one version of the shared form will be reflected on all the other instances since it’s shared.
Within the Share Form card, click the New Share button to share the form.
You will be able to share the form with any tenant your role has been configured with permission for. A Tenant is how the information and details of different districts / divisions are kept separate in clevr. Most districts / divisions have their own unique tenant within clevr.
Select the tenant you would like to share your form with, and give a name to the new instance of the form. Click the Share button when you’re ready to share.
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If you prefer, you can also get in touch with us by phone at 613-966-6806. Our knowledgeable staff is technically trained and available to assist you.