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How to Size Elements on a Form


There are two separate methods of changing the size of an element in the editor.

Neither method of resizing will not change the parent element of the selected element.

Only one element can be resized at a time. When more than one element is selected, the drag handles and the Accordion Menu will disappear.

Drag Handles

Some elements can be resized by clicking on the bottom and right borders of the element, or the bottom right corner of the element. When your mouse is over a drag handle, it will change to a two direction arrow cursor.

Bottom Drag Handle

Right Drag Handle

Corner Drag Handle

Once your cursor is over the drag handle, click and drag the handle to resize the element. Each handle corresponds to a specific axis:

Bottom: Height

Right: Width

Corner: Width and Height

The minimum width and height achievable using a drag handle is 10 pixels on either axis.

Resizing using drag handles is the method of choice while doing rough layouts in forms. Once the element hierarchy has been setup, the use of Spatial Input provides more accurate control that allows a precise layout that you are not likely to achieve with a mouse.

Spatial Input

Elements can be sized by inputting an Width and Height into the Spatials panel in the Accordion Menu. The number inputted represents the number of pixels of the specific axis. After inputting a size, you must press enter with one of the inputs selected to apply the new values. The input borders will thicken when the value has been successfully applied.

The minimum width and height that can be inputted using spatial input is 1 pixels on either axis. Do not resize an element to be 0 pixels on either axis.

The maximum value that can be inputted is 9999 pixels.