Release Date: June 2nd, 2016
New clevr module that shows a summary of all forms tied to a person
New dropdownchecklist type available
Advanced Search
Bulk Data Entry
Maplewood Integration – Corrected an issue causing an error when a location was imported with a school ID number beginning with leading 0s
PowerSchool Integration
Routine was crashing when importing data from a location with a single staff member or single student – this issue has been resolved
Update to integration routine so that empty fields will not cause integration to crash
Update to allow specified locations for PowerSchool clients to be skipped by the nightly integration
Text File Integration
Update to text file integration to support special characters in the text files
Update to text file integration to import student grade when provided
SDS Data Submission
Update to XML submission for Saskatchewan Ministry SDS site so that we use board-specified student ID instead of clevr proprietaryId value
Generalize SPS Impact Assessment data extract process and terminology
Fixed an issue causing occasional duplicate records in repeatable areas
Fixed issue causing loading issues on some locked records due to misaligned elements
Replace asterisks in swear words with correct number of characters
Email action now looks at the status of the users returned in the search to avoid sending emails to users inactive at the location selected
Corrected issue causing display issues in read only mode with dropdowns tagged with “disabled” attribute (forced read only) rendering the when the page is set to readonly as well
Required field asterisk now appears beside the label for checkboxes marked as a required field
Fix display issue to align mouse pointer to new element when dragging and dropping a new element on a form
Fix to update labels on the fly in the Editor using IE11 (page refresh was previously required when using IE 11)
Removed the Create Custom Types option for all roles except clevr Admin
Advanced Search
Updated Homescreen search query to filter for role when role (other than student) is selected
Changed PDF file name from “TPM” to “clevr” in files saved from Advanced Search
Homescreen – Fixed bug that causes dropdowns on the Homescreen to appear empty after using the Editor
Bulk Printing – Bulk Printing lists are now filtered by class for roles limited to classes access
Tenant Module
Update to correct a display issue causing the initiatives tab to not consistently stretch to the width of the content within the tab
Page right control buttons created for Dynamic Charting, and Edit Record History
User Module – Fixed issue in the User Module where the Homescreen was being set but not saved
Behind the Scenes Fixes – Update to RemoveDuplicatePersons script to support cleaning duplicate person records when one person could have multiple legitimate proprietaryIds for a tenant