Release Date: May 6th, 2022


  • New Development – Created a new Record Rollover Wizard that greatly simplifies the Record Rollover process. Users will be prompted every step of the way to configure their rollover settings, a log of fields currently flagged with donotclones will be available to users, and there will be a log of historical rollovers.


  • New Development – Enhanced the new Dashboard to hide the Categories section if no forms have been assigned to a category.

  • New Development – Added support to be able to search for fields contained within iFrames on the Dashboard.

  • Bug Fix – After using the Configure function to remove a column from Listings’ search results, the removed column was still appearing when running a Saved Search created after this update. It has now been updated to hide unconfigured fields from the search results.


  • New Development – Enhanced date pickers to add support for specifying a min or max date range.


  • New Development – Added enhancements to Linked Forms within the Form Manager:

    • Enhanced security so that the only role able to edit a shared form is the one who created it and clevr admin. This prevents tenants with a shared version of the form from being able to make changes to a form that they do not own.

    • When clicking on Design Form, a check will be performed to see if the form is shared. If the form has been shared, the following message will be generated: This form is shared with the following tenants
      [List tenants]. Making changes to the form will impact those tenants. Do you want to continue?

  • New Development – Updated the “auto-create records for a specific grade” feature to include a list of grades present within the tenant. Previously it was defaulting to JK, SK, 1-12 for all tenants.