Release Date: April 2nd, 2021


  • Updated files and links bank so that the delete button is no longer available for roles with read only access.


  • A new custom type has been created to allow the user of a form to click on a link that will navigate the current person the user is on to another form. The form to go to is specified in the attributes and the ability to force a new active record is also specified.


  • When a new tenant is added there’s a trigger in the database to automatically set the tenant to the new SIS Integration (2.5). With the introduction of the regions within the SIS, an update has been applied to default the SIS region based on the province selected for the client. If no value has been entered, it will default to the Eastern Region.


    Western – BC, AB, YK – Starts at 12PM EST
    Central – SK, MB, NWT – Starts at 11PM EST
    Eastern – ON, QC  and customers that don’t have a region tenant setting configured (basically the current configuration) – Starts at 10 PM EST
    Atlantic – NS – Starts at 9:30 PM EST

  • The integration routine was using only the proprietary ID number when finding a location to make a match. The logic has been updated to include the LocalID and tenant if a match is not found when using ProprietaryID and Tenant.


  • A new menu option “Form Management- Categories” has been created for both the new and legacy menus with a Page Right for Form Management – Categories. Within the new menu, this can be found within clevr configuration. Within the legacy menu this can be found under Admin.

  • A new menu option “Self Service – Approvals” has been created for both the new and legacy menus with a Page Right for Self Service – Approvals. Within the new menu, a new top level option has been created after Bulk called “Self Service”; Self Service – Approvals can be found under this new menu option. Within the legacy menu this can be found under Admin.


  • Created the ability to save an existing dashboard setting as a template. This option is only available to users with the new “Dashboard – Save as Template” Page Right.

  • Added a new option for the New Dashboard to search by person instead of the legacy method of searching by form. The Profile Search component allows a user to search for person records with the results being a list of people matching the criteria. Clicking on a person within the new person search will load their clevr Profile which can take a user to whichever form they desire.


  • Updated the email module to support French clients. The language within the body of the email function has been translated into French. The language present within the email function will default to either English or French depending on the tenant setting.


  • Created a new form level access right to flag a form as “Public”. This works in conjunction with full access, no access, and read only access and is used to control which person’s records are accessible to other roles. This new right is the opposite of marking a form with private form access where a role can only see their own record.

    New options:

    Default – use groupings and classes to determine access to records. Class-aligned roles will see only students present within their classes, non-class aligned roles will see all persons.

    Private – a user can see only their own record

    Public – records created for the form will be available to everyone in the role

    If Public is selected the following message will be displayed: The contents of this form will be available to everyone with access to the form. 


  • Created a page right to control whether a role has permission to delete records from the Homescreen. This page right controls access to the red X.


  • HCSD – After changing the password for the first time on a newly created account the redirect was pointing to the wrong URL. This has been corrected.

  • Locked Records – Locked records could be edited by changing the element attribute within the console which allowed data and edits to save. This has been updated so that a check is performed to see if the record has a locked status and if it does data is not saved and an error is returned.