Release Date: June 4th, 2021
Within the Listing Component users will now be able to customize which fields appear within the results. This setting can be configured at a dashboard template level and further configured by a user.
Implemented new Dashboard card to display messages. The clevr message card provides the option to share messages with everyone with access to the card. Messages are driven based on the Alerts module.
A new process has been developed for text file integration clients to create parent accounts using the data in the StudentDemographics file. This is a configuration setting that needs to be enabled by clevr.
Implemented support for multiple languages for labels within the Editor using the new localization attributes. If the language attribute does not exist for the user’s language, the label will default to the existing label description. NOTE: This is only applicable to labels / text not data inputs such as text boxes, text areas, and dropdowns.
Created a new Editor Custom Type (person_uniqueId) that displays the Person ID and cannot be edited.
Created the ability to upload images in bulk. To upload multiple images the image name must match the person proprietary ID or local ID. Images can be uploaded as a single file or within a zip file. Supported file types are JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BMP.
Implemented new backend logging to help determine printout bottlenecks.
Integration Routine – New matching criteria has been introduced for staff integrations to alleviate duplicates arising from name differences between the primary data source and and secondary source.
SPS – Resolved an issue with Import Data that was not pulling unit # for some addresses.
clevr Login – Resolved an issue that was preventing users from being able to log in if their password had a +
UGDSB – Resolved an issue that was causing students to duplicate if they had a name change.