Release Date: January 8th, 2021
Removed Adobe Flash dependency from clevr which was used for the copy / save function on the Homescreen, Advanced Search, User Module, Tenant Module, Groups and Classes, and the Login Audit Log. The previous copy / save buttons have been replaced with a button that says “Export” that generates an excel file of the requested data when clicked.
Within the User Profile module users can now upload an image to personalize their profile.
PCS – Community Service Seal Form – Resolved an issue that was causing repeaters to overhang the bottom of the tabset when triggered two or more times.
DDSB IEP > IPRC form to form integration – Resolved an issue that was preventing the form to form integration from working consistently for non identified students.
BTPS ISP – Resolved an issue that was preventing checkboxes from appearing on the printout.
CBE – New School Development Plan – Resolved an issue with the export process that was causing some fields to show up as “#Name?” in the report.