Release Date: January 8th, 2021


  • Removed Adobe Flash dependency from clevr which was used for the copy / save function on the Homescreen, Advanced Search, User Module, Tenant Module, Groups and Classes, and the Login Audit Log. The previous copy / save buttons have been replaced with a button that says “Export” that generates an excel file of the requested data when clicked.


  • Within the User Profile module users can now upload an image to personalize their profile.


  • Forms

    • PCS – Community Service Seal Form – Resolved an issue that was causing repeaters to overhang the bottom of the tabset when triggered two or more times.

    • DDSB IEP > IPRC form to form integration – Resolved an issue that was preventing the form to form integration from working consistently for non identified students.

    • BTPS ISP – Resolved an issue that was preventing checkboxes from appearing on the printout.

    • CBE – New School Development Plan – Resolved an issue with the export process that was causing some fields to show up as “#Name?” in the report.