Release Date: July 2nd, 2020
Client Specific
KPR – Resolved a permissions issue for KPR that was causing an error message of “-1” to appear when attempting to delete records.
PemT – Resolved an issue that was causing the email function to display the wrong school name for Pembina Trails.
UGDSB – Resolved an issue for the UGDSB – Social Worker Referral that was preventing a dropdown within a repeater from resetting upon triggering delete.
Added COVID messaging to the DDSB – Alternative Report Card Printout. The message can be found directly above the Reporting Period and report date fields – “This report card is for a reporting period that included provincially-mandated school closure from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2020.”
Resolved an issue that was preventing the SEA Application – IEP form to form integration to fail for DDSB.
Resolved a Chrome specific issue on the DDSB – IPRC that was causing the parent decisions dropdowns to populate incorrectly.