Release Date: May 9th, 2019


  • New log module that allows admin-level users to review user account login attempts. With a similar interface to the user module, view the most recent login attempts or the login attempts over a specified date range.


  • A new “Copy All” option is available within the Editor when copying a form. Now you can select whether to copy just the form or include the printouts too.
    Note: Compatible with HTML printouts only, legacy printouts (C#) are not supported in this feature


  • Clients who log in with active directory authentication (Ex: LDAP, ADFS, SSO, etc) will be directed to a blank page upon logout that says “You have successfully logged out of clevr”. Previously they would be directed to the clevr login page.


  • Integration – Resolved an issue where locations were occasionally removed from students during the SIS integration routines.

  • Editor – Resolved an issue where the rights for the internal clevr admin role were appearing as random roles within the Editor. This has been updated so that internal clevr Admin rights are not shown to other roles.

  • Homescreen – Previously, if a staff member that had a user account had their record for a form removed from the Homescreen it would remove that form from their account preventing to access it and breaking it if it was the default form in their account. This issue has been resolved.

  • Client Specific – Calgary Board of Education – Changed the messaging within a popup on the Off Campus or On Campus Agreement to be more meaningful. Now users will receive a pop up asking “Do you want to import the Employer details (i.e. address, phone number, etc) for the selected employer?”