Release Date: January 9th, 2019
New access right created for forms that grants the ability for a form to be set up as private for specified roles. When a form has been set to private for a role, users will only be able to access their own record.
Identical records can now be created for multiple staff and students from a master form. Enter data into a master form, then trigger the creation of a new records for other staff and students.
Links for custom reports used to be found at the top of the Homescreen when the form they belonged to was selected. Links for custom reports can now be found within their own menu item on the Homescreen called “Reports”.
Files and Links – Extra periods in the file name would prevent a file from being able to be opened once uploaded. This has been resolved.
Groups and Classes – Corrected a sorting issue that was preventing Groups and Classes from displaying in alphabetical order.
Tenant Module
Corrected an issue with the tenant module that caused “ghost” menu items to appear when a new role had no rights for that module (if clicked on, since the role had no permission to the module, a white screen would load)
Corrected an issue that was causing the role ID number to determine whether or not a role was class aligned
User Module
The DOB calendar within the User Module ended after the year 2012. There are now options for up to 2017.
Corrected an issue that that would prevent persons from being added to forms after having been modified with the User Module
Interactive Dashboard – When the Metrics Widget had fields flagged and a search had been run, the role selected was not being passed to the Homescreen. This has been corrected.
clevr Profile
Corrected an issue that was causing clevr Profile to accept only http in the URL for images and not https
Client Specific Fixes
Louis Riel – corrected an issue preventing import data from working with their Adaptation Plan
Enabled Single Sign On for Greater Essex
Renfrew County Catholic – Corrected an issue that applied ready only rendering to the login screen after a user visited a locked record and then logged out