Adding Attributes to Form Elements
How to Create a New Blank Form
How to Copy and Paste Elements
How Do I Add a Ribbon Above the Form
How to Flag a Field for Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry
How to Sort the Ordering of Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry Flags
How to Flag a Field for Grid View Data Entry
How to Flag a Field for the clevr Profile
How to Flag a Field for SIS Integration
How to Flag a Field as Required
How to add a Link to Your Form
How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Form
How to Set Up Form for Record Rollover
How to Flag a Field for the Notification Board
How to Add a New Tab / Rename a Tab
How to Add a Finalization Section to Lock the Form
How to Add an “Apply Signature” Section
How to Add an “Apply to All” or “Delete Content” Button
How to Flag a Field for the Interactive Dashboard
How To Create a Dynamic Tab Name
How to SAFELY Delete an Element
How to Apply Specialized Rights
How to Begin Records for all Persons with a Specific Role
How to Transfer Records on Homescreen When Location is Updated
Adding Attributes to Form Elements
How to Create a New Blank Form
How to Copy and Paste Elements
How Do I Add a Ribbon Above the Form
How to Flag a Field for Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry
How to Sort the Ordering of Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry Flags
How to Flag a Field for Grid View Data Entry
How to Flag a Field for the clevr Profile
How to Flag a Field for SIS Integration
How to Flag a Field as Required
How to add a Link to Your Form
How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Form
How to Set Up Form for Record Rollover
How to Flag a Field for the Notification Board
How to Add a New Tab / Rename a Tab
How to Add a Finalization Section to Lock the Form
How to Add an “Apply Signature” Section
How to Add an “Apply to All” or “Delete Content” Button
How to Flag a Field for the Interactive Dashboard
How To Create a Dynamic Tab Name
How to SAFELY Delete an Element
How to Apply Specialized Rights
How to Begin Records for all Persons with a Specific Role
How to Transfer Records on Homescreen When Location is Updated
Attributes can be added to elements to flag them for modules within clevr or do add functionality to them. Attributes can be applied to from the Options Table of the Options Accordion. Previously added attributes will be viewable when you click on any element:
Each attribute has two requirements – the attribute itself which is added on the left, then the value which is added on the right. The attribute side on the left contains auto-populating functionality to help reduce errors – many attributes are case sensitive. Specifics about the different flags and how to set them up will be noted in the sections below.
To create a new blank form, open any form you have Editor access to. Within the top menu click the “New Layout” button. This will begin a new blank form. When the new form opens, make sure you navigate to Page Properties to assign the new form a name. Make sure to press the save button once you’ve assigned a name to your form.
To copy a form, navigate to the form you’d like to copy and open it with the Editor. Within Page Properties click the “Copy Page” button. This will create a copy of the existing form and will open a pop-up where you can select which HTML reports you’d also like to copy.
If your form has a printout but it is not appearing within the copy function the printout is C# and not compatible with the copy function. When you copy a form, the form ID number will be automatically updated in all searchable, grid view, bulk data entry, and SIS flags.
Make sure you navigate to Page Properties to assign the copied form a new name. Make sure to press the save button once you’ve assigned a name to your form.
Note: Once you’ve copied the form and assigned a name to it, you should immediately publish it before making any other changes. This ensures that the new form will be accessible to you in the event of a timeout. If you do not publish your form and your session times out, it is not recoverable and you will need to begin again.
An element or a grouping of elements can be copied and pasted to help speed up the development process. Elements can not be copied across different forms.
Select the container of the element or grouping of elements that you’d like to copy, then hit the copy button. Navigate to the spot you’d like to paste them and select the container, then select paste. The element will be pasted into the top left corner of the element you have selected, use the spatials to adjust it’s positioning within the new container.
The below video will show copying an element to an existing tab, and copying an entire tab into a new one.
The Ribbon is the section found above the form that contains the name of the person the record is for, what school they belong to, and other current demographics information. Different ribbons are available for student, staff, and school forms.
Within the Custom Types section of the Options Accordion, look for the following Custom Types:
Select the appropriate ribbon for the subject of your form, then drag it into approximate position with your mouse. Use the Spatials section of the Options Accordion to position it perfectly – the clevr team typically assigns a value of 5 to the X axis and a value of 115 to the Y axis for ribbons. Hit enter to save the spatials you’ve entered.
The contents of a text label can be changed by using the content attribute. Select the text label element you’d like to update. Next enter “content” on the left side and type the value you’d like it changed to on the right, then hit enter. Make sure you hit enter on the right side or it will not save.
Flagging fields for Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry is a 1:1 ratio, each field must be flagged independently. Select the element you’d like to flag (not the parent container). Each of these flags requires a description attribute in addition to the flag for the module. The content entered into the description attribute is how the field will be named within the Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry modules. Don’t forget to hit enter after you enter the value on the right to save the flag!
If the same description is applied to multiple elements your search will not return results – the description on each element must be unique.
Grouped checkboxes are a unique in that you may flag them as a group – no other elements work this way. The only requirement is that the checkboxes must not have an “other” option with a text box or any other non checkbox elements except text. Simply apply the flags to the parent container and ensure each checkbox has a unique description.
Module | Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
Advanced Search | searchable | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
description | [Enter name to appear in Advanced Search Module] | |
Bulk Data Entry | BulkDataEntry | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
description | [Enter name to appear in Bulk Data Entry Module] |
Elements can have the filterSort attribute applied to them to control the order that they appear within Advanced Search or Bulk Data Entry. The more fields that are flagged for sort, the slower the initial loading time within the module and the slower the results will be to generate. The filterSort attribute should be used sparingly!
The value entered on the right side controls the element’s sorted placement, 1 will appear at the top. Use numbers sequentially – flag the first element with 1, the next with 2, etc. Don’t forget to hit enter after you’ve entered the value on the right!
Select the element you’d like to flag (not the parent container). The attribute that should appear on the left side is: GridViewDataEntry. The value that should appear on the right side is: Form ID number. Don’t forget to hit enter after you enter the value on the right to save the flag!
Grid View Data Entry loads the contents of the records in real-time, so the more fields flagged the slower the loading time will be. Grid View is best used with a few fields, if you need to update many fields on the form please contact clevr support to discuss other bulk module options. The following fields are not compatible with Grid View Data Entry:
Radio buttons
Fields with functionality (javascript, show/hide, etc)
School dropdowns
Select the element you’d like to flag (not the parent container). The attribute that should appear on the left side is: profileField. The value that should appear on the right side is: Form ID number. Don’t forget to hit enter after you enter the value on the right to save the flag!
When a field has been flagged for SIS, data will be automatically populated into it from your Student Information System when Integration > Import Data is triggered. To be able to flag fields for SIS, you must know which SIS your district uses. There are three different types of SIS calls:
Any other SIS will be flagged as “Text File Integration”
Just because a field is available within the SIS does not mean that it will be accessible via import data – not all fields are exposed via the API for data to be imported from. If your district uses custom fields within Maplewood or PowerSchool then the import flags likely will not be able to connect to them to pull data.
If you are using text file integration, you must ensure your student demographics text file contains a column with the name of the SIS flag and that there is data present within the column or the import data will not be able to return results.
It is a common misconception that you can modify the wording within SIS flags to connect from any other field within your student information system. That is not correct – all SIS calls are pre-determined, changing them will cause the import data process to fail.
Please click on the button of the SIS your district uses to see a listing of the available SIS flags.
To set up a dropdown, begin by adding a container to your form from the Base Types section of the Options Accordion. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position the container on your form. Within the container add a text base type to create a label for the dropdown (ex: school year). Update the text by using the “content” attribute, on the right value side assign a name to the label (ex: school year). Don’t forget to hit enter after you’ve entered the value on the right to save your attribute!
Next add a dropdown from the Base Types section of the Options Accordion. Use the “OptionsList” attribute to add options to your dropdown. The OptionsList attribute is what holds the values that are displayed in the live view when the element is selected. Separate each individual option with a semicolon – do not enter spaces before or after the semicolon or there will be unnecessary spaces in your dropdown. Do not begin or end your OptionsList with a semicolon or there will be blank options in your dropdown. Please see the examples below for good and bad OptionsList examples:
Good OptionsList – Item 1;Item 2;Item 3;Item 4;Item 5
Bad OptionsList – ;Item 1 ; Item 2;Item 3; Item 4;Item 5;
Please note that school dropdowns are not set up manually with an OptionsList. Please contact the clevr Support Team to set this up for you.
To setup a checkbox, select your desired Custom Type from the the Options Accordion. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position it within your form. There are different Custom Type checkbox options available to choose from:
Base Type: Checkbox – A single checkbox with no label or parent container. We recommend selecting a Custom Type so that you do not need to manually set up the parent container and text label.
Custom Type: Common: Checkbox | Label – A parent container with a text label and checkbox
Custom Type: Common: Checkbox | Label | Textbox – A parent container, label, and a checkbox. Do not use the Custom Type: Common: Checkbox_Label_Textbox version as the spatials are misaligned within it.
Text labels can be updated by using the “content” attribute, in the right value side assign a name to the label. Don’t forget to hit enter after you’ve entered the value on the right to save your attribute!
Use the “description” attribute on the checkbox element to assign a value to the checkbox. The description is what will appear on the printout and what value the checkbox will display within Advanced Search. In 99% of cases, the label and the description should have the same value (Ex: FNMI Student). Hit enter to save the attribute.
If your checkbox has a text box associated with it, you will need to also need to use the “extend” attribute with a value of the text box element ID number. The “extend” attribute should be added to the checkbox element and is used to associate the data present within the text box with the checkbox for Advanced Search and printouts.
There are two styles of hovertips available within clevr. With the first style, the hovertip is displayed within a green bubble when the user hovers over the field it has been applied to:
The second style of hovertip is associated with an info icon, the hovertip is displayed when the user hovers over the icon.
If you prefer the icon style hovertip, navigate to Custom Types and add the “Button: Info (Small)” type to your form. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position it.
A single attribute is required for the hovertip on the element. If your hovertip is the icon style, the attribute will need to be applied to the element of the icon. If your hovertip is the field style without the icon, the attribute will need to be applied to the element. Hit enter to save your attribute.
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
hovertip | [Enter the wording you’d like to appear when hovered over] |
Additionally you will need to add an attribute to the 0 container (the parent of the form) to make the hovertip function. Each form only has one 0 container; select it by clicking on the white space outside of the tabs. Check the Type ID number of the Options Accordion to confirm that you have the correct element selected.
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
docready | hm_helpandrequiredload(); |
To make a field required, select the element then use the “isrequired” attribute and enter a value on the right side of the Form ID number (found within the Options Table section of the Options Accordion). Hit enter to save the attribute.
Additionally you will need to add an attribute to the 0 container (the parent of the form) to make a completion meter appear. Each form only has one 0 container; select it by clicking on the white space outside of the tabs. Check the Type ID number of the Options Accordion to confirm that you have the correct element selected.
The attribute for the completion meter is “showStatusIndicator” with the right side value “true”. Hit enter to save the attribute.
Fields marked as required will be auto-flagged to function with the required fields filter on the Homescreen. Selecting “Required Fields Completed” will display records at 100% completion, selecting “Required Fields Uncompleted” will show records at less than 100% completion. Make sure to hit the search button to filter the records.
The “Links: Resource Link” Custom Type is used to add a link to your form. Open the Options Accordion and select “Links: Resource Link” from Custom Types. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position the link on your form.
Two attributes are required to make the link function. Use the “content” attribute to assign the text that will appear in the hyperlink – the value entered on the right is what will be displayed. Once you’ve entered a value on the right, hit enter to save the attribute. The “onclick” attribute is used to assign the URL to the hyperlink.
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
content | [Enter a label for the hyperlink] |
onclick |‘PASTE URL HERE’); |
To embed a YouTube video on your form, first navigate to YouTube and select the video you’d like to embed. Click the “Share” button, then click the “Embed” option. Copy the embed code, we will be pasting it into the attribute value in the next step.
The “Links” Base Type is used to add a link to your form. Open the Options Accordion and select “Link” from Base Types. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position the link on your form.
One attribute is required to make the link function. Use the “content” attribute, on the right value side paste the code we copied in the above step. Hit enter to save the attribute.
Fields can be disabled to prevent manual data entry from end users. This is a great option when there is Javascript or a query that populates the field automatically – this helps preserve the integrity of the data so that it is not changed manually.
Select the element you’d like to disable, then use the “disabled” attribute on the left, the right side value should be “true”. Hit enter to save the attribute. This attribute works on individual elements only, it does not work on parent containers.
When applied to a field, the DoNotClone attribute will cause the field(s) or tab(s) it’s applied to be blank when the form is copied. This is perfect for forms that are record rollover candidates. Use DoNotClones on fields that do not apply to next year’s record to save users from needing to manually delete the information – this can be cumbersome when there is a lot of data within the record.
The DoNotClone attribute works on individual elements and on parent containers. Select the element you’d like to apply the DoNotClone to, then enter the DoNotClone attribute on the right with the right side value of true. Hit enter to save the attribute.
You should also include a description so that the fields with Do Not Clones will have a name appear within the Record Rollover Wizard. If you do not assign a description, fields with Do Not Clones applied to them will render within the Rollover Reports via the element ID number.
A Record Rollover is a process used within clevr to archive records. It is typically performed once a year, usually during the summer after data entry within the current school year’s records is complete to archive the current years’ records. To learn more about the rollover process, please see our Record Rollover Wizard help document and our Record Rollover Prep Guide.
To flag a form for the Record Rollover module, open the Page Properties menu via clicking on the small “P” icon on the left. It’s quite tiny and easy to miss so keep an eye out for it!
In the “Assign or Modify Initiatives” panel you will be presented with three new Record Rollover settings.
These checkboxes within Page Properties contain show/hide functionality, so checkbox 2 is only displayed when checkbox 1 is checked, and checkbox 3 is only shown when checkbox 2 is checked.
Include form in Record Rollover – This flags the form to appear within the new Record Rollover module and will lock the most recent record if a rollover is performed with no other options selected.
Create New Record – This will create a blank new record in addition to locking the previous record.
Copy Data to the New Record – This will make a clone of the most recent record in addition to locking the previous record. Select this option if you do not want the new record to be blank!
Select the element you’d like to flag (not the parent container). There are a few different attributes that can be used to flag a field to appear within the Notification Board. Which one you use will depend on which column you want the data to appear within.
You should only apply one of these attributes to a single field. Don’t forget to hit enter to save your attribute.
Action | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
notifyAction | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
Priority | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
notifyPriority | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
Custom Field 1 | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
notifyField1 | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
Custom Field 2 | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
notifyField2 | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
Custom Field 3 | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
notifyField3 | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
From a functionality perspective, both radio buttons and dropdowns perform the same – they both allow for a single selection. Radio buttons have limitations to them, so the clevr team recommends using dropdowns instead of radio buttons.
Radio buttons must be contained within the same parent container to function as a unit. From the Custom Types section of the Options Accordion, select “Container”. Position it on your form with the Spatials section of the Accordion – use the width and height options in Spatials to adjust the container size. Within the container add a label for the set of radio buttons and use Spatials to position it.
Navigate to the Custom Types section of the Options Accordion and add the “Common: Radio Buttons with Labels” Custom Type to the container created in the above step. This custom type has two radio buttons within it, if you need to add more simply copy the elements making sure to paste them within the parent container of the radio button set. Use the content attribute on the labels to update them, hit enter to save the new attribute. Use the Spatials section of the Accordion to position the labels and radio buttons within your container.
Three attributes are required on each Radio Button element to make them funcion. The “name” attribute is used to make the radio buttons function as a group. Each grouping of radio buttons on the same form requires a unique name; all radio buttons within the same group require identical name attributes. The other two attributes required are “description” and “value”. These attributes are what value the radio button will have on the printout and within Advanced Search results. The “name” and “description” attributes should have the same value for each individual radio button, but no two radio buttons within the group should have the same “name” and “description”. Hit enter to save the attributes.
If you hide a field, we recommend adding a DoNotClone attribute to the field as well to prevent it from cloning into future records – since the field will be hidden, end users will not have the ability to remove content from the field if it is no longer required.
Select the element you’d like to hide, and apply these two attributes. Be sure to hit enter to save the attributes!
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
docready | $(this).hide(); |
DoNotClone | true |
New tabs are not added to the form through Base or Custom types. If you need a new tab, look for the tiny + symbol to the right of the existing tabset. You may need to move the Options Accordion to see it – this can be done by clicking and dragging it to a new position. Click the + symbol to add a new tab to your form.
Once you’ve added a new tab to your form, select the 97 container of the tab you added. Click the Spatials section of the Options Accordion and change both the X and the Y value to 5 to reposition it. It is important to remember this step or you will not be able to click on the right spot to change the tab name! Hit enter to save the new Spatials.
To change the tab name, we want to select the 81 type ID of the tab. Make sure you have the 81 selected, not the 150000 or 91 Type IDs. Clicking on the exact spot is more of an art than a science, aim for right between the tab name and the 97 container. You may need to click a few times to find the right spot.
Once you have the 81 selected, the tab name can be changed by changing the value within the “label” attribute. Hit enter to save your new tab name.
A finalization section can be added to any form to lock the record when triggered by an end user. Locked records are rendered in read only mode so that further edits are not possible. The form is locked when the checkbox is checked, it will also populate the name of the user who triggered the finalization and the current date. Please note that a finalization section will not allow signatures to be attached to a printout, please see the “How to Add an Apply Signature Section” below.
Within Custom Types, select the one called “Signature: Finalization”. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position the container on your form.
Three attributes are required on the three different elements within this Custom Type to make this section function:
On the “Finalized” Checkbox | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
id | finalChk |
On the “Date Finalized” Element | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
id | finalDate |
On the “Finalized By” Element | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
id | finalBy |
The ability to attach an uploaded signature to a printout is available only when the correct Custom Type is used – this functionality can not be added to other elements, so it’s important to make sure you select the correct Custom Type when developing your form.
Within Custom Types, select the one called “Apply Signature with Date”. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position the container on your form. This Custom Type comes pre-built with a hidden field that is essential to the signature upload function – if this field is deleted it will not be able to function. Do not remove this field or move it outside of the 97 Container of the Custom Type.
A few attributes are required to finish adding functionality to this Custom Type. A single attribute is required to make the data populate when checked. The name field comes pre-built with auto-populating functionality and does not need to be manually added. Don’t forget to hit enter to save your attributes!
On the Checkbox | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
onclick | $.setToTodayDate(‘#’); *Replace the # with the element ID number of the date field |
On the Name Field | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
disabled | true |
On the Date Field (Careful to Avoid the Hidden Field!) | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
disabled | true |
The “Apply to All” function can be used to apply data within a specific element or tab to the records of the persons you select with a checklist. The “Delete Content” function will clear all the data within a specific element or tab from the record you are currently viewing.
The foundation for both “Apply to All” and “Delete Content” is the same, the only difference is the attributes required.
From Base Types, select “Link”. Use the arrow keys, your mouse, or the Spatials section of the Option Accordion to position it on your form. Please the appropriate attributes listed below for EITHER “Apply to All” or “Delete Content”, do not include both sets of flags on the same element! Hit enter to make sure your attributes save correctly.
Apply to All | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
content | Apply to All |
onClick | ApplyContent(‘#’);
*Replace the # with the element ID number of the parent container 97 Type ID you’d like the Apply to All Function to work on. |
style | border: solid 1px silver; height: 300px; width: 3000px; text-align: center; background-color:lightgrey; cursor:hand; color: green;
*You may style the button however you’d like, but this is the styling the clevr Team traditionally uses. |
Delete Content | |
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
content | Delete Content |
onClick | DeleteContent(‘#’);
*Replace the # with the element ID number of the parent container 97 Type ID you’d like the Apply to All Function to work on. |
style | border: solid 1px silver; height: 300px; width: 300px; text-align: center; background-color:lightgrey; cursor:hand; color: red;
*You may style the button however you’d like, but this is the styling the clevr Team traditionally uses. |
Up to three fields on a single form can be flagged to appear within the Metrics widget of the Interactive Dashboard. When clicked upon, these metrics will run a search on the Homescreen for records with fields that contain the values specified.
Select the element you’d like to flag (not the parent container). Multiple attributes are required on an element to flag a field for the Interactive Dashboard. Don’t forget to hit enter after you enter the value on the right to save the flag!
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
dashboardInitiative | [Enter 4 Digit Form ID Number] |
dashboardMetric | Matching criteria for the dashboard metric. This value will cause the metric to count the number of records that match this criteria. For example, if the field you are flagging is a status dropdown and you only want to filter for records with a status of “closed”, the value you would enter on the right value side would be “closed”. You can list multiple values – for example: “Open;Closed” (like a dropdown OptionsList, this should be semicolon separated without spaces and the values need to match the contents of the dropdown precisely). This will count records that contain “open” OR “closed” within the status field. |
dashboardMetricLabel | [Enter the value/label that you want to appear within the Metrics widget for this searchable field] |
dashboardRole | Role ID numbers that the metric will be displaying information for. You should use this value without to capture all roles: -1 |
A field can be flagged so that the contents entered within it become the title of the tab when the page is refreshed. It is not currently possible to set up a Dynamic Tab name that updates as soon as the value is changed, it is only upon refresh in current state.
Copy the element ID number of the field you’d like to populate the tab’s name to your computer’s clipboard. Do not overlook this step or you will need to repeat the step below!
Select the 81 type ID of the tab. Make sure you have the 81 selected, not the 150000 or 91 Type IDs. Clicking on the exact spot is more of an art than a science, aim for right between the tab name and the 97 container. You may need to click a few times to find the right spot.
Apply the following attribute to the 81 container of the tab to make the tab name update dynamically. Replace the # within the attribute shown below with the element ID number you copied to your clipboard above – this is the field that will drive the dynamic tab name. Don’t forget to hit enter to save your attribute!
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
dynamicLabel | e_Id=#,i_Id=1.0
*Replace the # with the element ID number of the field you’d like to populate the tab name. |
The first thing to know about deleting elements in clevr is that you should never delete an element if the form is in production. Deleting an element does not delete the data, but it deletes your access point to the data and requires scripting to fix. For this reason, whenever a field is no longer required, we hide it instead of deleting it.
The timing of hiding your fields is also really important. If you hide fields without a record rollover, users will be able to see the content on their printouts, but will not be able to modify the content. We recommend for you to retire fields as part of your summer housekeeping so that you may time a rollover with hiding the fields. We do not recommend that you remove the fields from the printout as this compromises your legacy reports.
When hiding a field, you have a few options:
Hiding the label and field directly.
You can place the first two attributes in the table below on the individual field’s containers. This would hide the field in place. -
Placing the label and field in a container that hides multiple fields.
When hiding large numbers of fields, you can move the fields into a dedicated container outside of the tabset. These containers are dedicated to the storage of hidden historical fields. You create the container, and then apply the 3 attributes in the table below to the container. Any fields within the container will then become hidden and will not clone.
An important note is that the property of donotclone does not apply across tabs. If you move an entire tabset into a donotclone container, you will also have to apply it to the parent container of every tab within the tabset.
Be sure to hit enter to save the attributes!
Left Side – Attribute | Right Side – Value |
style | visibility: hidden; |
DoNotClone | true |
description_en-CA | Hidden Fields |
If a field is hidden it should always have a DoNotClone attribute on it so that the data will be prevented from cloning into future records – since the field will be hidden, end users will not have the ability to remove content from the field if it is no longer required.
Important Notes About Specialized Rights. Please read these carefully!
Applying rights with the Editor will not push the forms into user accounts. If you need this done please reach out to clevr support.
If specialized rights are applied with the Editor they will be overwritten if the clevr team is asked to push the form from the backend. For this reason, if pushing a form into production the workflow should be: clevr Team pushes rights from the back end > then the Editor is used to apply specialized rights.
Please ensure rights that you apply are documented. The clevr team does not keep backups of specialized access rights, so if they are accidentally overwritten they will be lost.
Specialized access rights should only be applied manually with the Editor where they deviate from the parent’s right. If a role has full access, you don’t need to additionally mark the tab right as full access.
Elements take on the rights of their parent by default within clevr. For example, if the 97 container of a tab has been marked as full access for the teacher role, all child fields (elements) within the tab will also have this right applied to them unless they’ve been modified with the Editor.
The key to successfully applying access rights with the Editor is to only apply them where the rights deviate. For example, if a role already has full access to the form, you do not need to additionally mark a tab as “full access” for that role. You only need to apply rights that differ from the parent – for example if the teacher role has full access to a form but you don’t want them to see a specific tab, then you would use the editor to update this right to “no access”.
Tab level access rights should be applied on the 97 container of the tab, NOT the 81. Note: It may be difficult to click on the 81, there is no visual indicator for it so you may need to click around if you are looking for it.
Rights applied to specific elements / fields should be applied to the 97 type ID parent container if it exists rather than on the actual field. You will not do any harm by applying them to the element itself, it is just easier to find them later if the placement of specialized rights is consistent.
With the Editor open, click to select the container or element you’d like to apply the specialized rights to, then click on the “Apply Rights” option in the accordion. The element you’ve selected will appear with a blueish colour, double check to ensure you have the correct field selected:
To change an existing right, school through the apply rights portion of the accordion until you find it. Select the access right you’d like to update, then scroll to the bottom and hit apply. If you overlook hitting apply before clicking on something else within the Editor the rights will not save and you will need to apply them again.
To remove an existing right, click the “mark for deletion” checkbox, then scroll down and hit apply.
To apply new rights, scroll down and click the plus sign, then select the role and right you’d like to apply. When you click the plus sign, a new row will appear, the default role that will appear in the role dropdown is role ID = 0 which is usually Superuser. Simply select the role and access level you’d like to apply, then hit the apply button.
There is a setting within Page Properties that can be used to auto-generate records for all persons with a specific role. This should not be used unless you want to begin a record for every single person assigned that role – for example if you only need to create a record for a specific subset of students you would not want to use this feature.
Within Page Properties under the “Auto create a form for individuals in the selected roles” heading, select the role(s) you’d like to create records for. Once you’ve selected all desired roles, click the save button, then publish your changes.
Records will be created for the role(s) you selected once the nightly integration runs.
Student / person locations are updated by the nightly integration, but when a person moves from school A to school B their records do not appear on the Homescreen at their new school unless someone presses the add button and adds them manually to all forms they had records for or the below setting has been applied to a form. For example, if a student had an IEP at Bayview School, then they move to Maple School, the nightly integration will deactivate them at Bayview School and associate them with Maple School. Their IEP will not show up on the Bayview School Homescreen unless a user adds them.
Forms can be individually flagged so that records appear on the Homescreen automatically when a person moves to a new location.
Open the Editor and navigate to Page Properties:
Within Page Properties check the “Record is available when person moves to new location” checkbox. Press save, then publish your changes.
Records will automatically appear on the Homescreen at the new location when the integration runs each night.
In current state, the form can not be pushed into production (applying rights and adding it to user accounts) from the Editor, it must be done by the clevr Support Team. Please contact us when your form is ready for deployment!
The Multi-Select is a custom type that can be added to clevr forms. It essentially works as a set of checkboxes contained to a single element. It is located in the custom types menu in the options accordion under the name “Common: Dropdown Check list” within the clevr editor.
To set up a multi-select on a form you will need to the following:
Unlike other types, the multi select does not come in a container with a text label, so we will need to build that first. Under base types, first drag and drop a container on to the form where you want the field to be. In this example it is going to be added beside the date field. Its important to try and match up the Spatials with the other elements on the form just to maintain consistency.
Next, we will need to add a text label and the multi-select element in the container. The text element can be found in the Base Types menu, and the multi-select element is located in the Custom Types menu using the name “Common: Dropdown Check list”. It should look something like this:
Now that we have the base built for our multi-select, attributes will need to be applied. For this example the field is going to be called “Reason(s) for Referral”. Because this is not a pre built type, styling will need to be applied to the text field to keep it consistent with the rest of the fields on the from. This can be done under the Options Table using the style attribute and font-weight:bold; as seen in the screenshot below.
Setting up the multi-select is very similar, if not identical to the way standard dropdowns are configured. When applying the attributes to the element it is crucial that you have the right element selected because the multi-select is made up of 2 elements, TypeId 401 and TypeId 402. When applying the attributes you want to make sure that 401 is the selected element, 402 is just the container that holds 401 but it must not be deleted.
In this example we are going to add values of: Mental Health, Family Problems, Personal, and Other to the multi-select element. Just like dropdowns, the multi-select uses the OptionsList attribute to set the list. In the screenshot below you can see what this will look like when set up in the clevr editor.
Note: it is best practice to include a description on the field.
If configured correctly, on publish it should look something like this when the field is clicked on:
The multi-select is incompatible with the attribute hm_labelFieldset_notrow, the attribute that rounds the corners on form fields. This is not ideal as it creates in inconsistent look on the form, which is not a clevr best practice.
Searching on the Dashboard / 4500 Page: If you want to try and run a search for all the records that contain a specific value in the multi-select it has to be typed out manually. The values typed in the search have to match exactly with the values in the OptionsList on the form, otherwise no results will be displayed. This also applies to the Advance Search module, and the Bulk Data Entry module
When copying a form, the initiativeId used for Advance Search and Bulk Data Entry do not get update to the current initiativeId and have to updated manually.