Revised February 8th, 2022
clevr™ is a cloud-based electronic forms and workflow solution that enables educators as well as parents / legal guardians to complete school forms with ease, and facilitate instant communication. clevr is a real-time environment with a robust set of tools to help educators and parents stay informed and connected during the education process.
Role-Based Dashboards
Notifications and Alerts
Electronic Signatures
Submit Forms Online
Within clevr, permissions define what access level roles are granted to forms. clevr has four different base level permissions that can be applied to a form:
Full Access – Grants a role permission to see and make changes to a form.
Read Only – Grants a role permission to view in read only mode with no access to make changes or edit the form.
No Access – This permission level prevents the role from being able to see the form.
Full and Editor Access* – Grants a role full access to the form and will also allow them to open the form with the clevr Form Editor.
*Training on the clevr Form Editor is required to be able to use this feature.
When a role has been noted as having custom permissions within the Form Manager or Configuration Modules (documentation coming soon!), it means that there are different tabs or fields within the form that have different permission levels – for example a role can have read only permission to tab 1 but full access to tab 2. Custom permissions can be very granular, you can set different permissions for all elements on a form.
This document will provide you with an overview of how to set up custom permissions with the clevr Form Editor.

Important Notes:
Applying permissions with the clevr Form Editor will not add the form to the accounts of all users with the role(s). The form will only be added to the user account if the role is automated or if the rights are applied with the Form Manager or Configuration Module.
If custom permissions are applied with the clevr Form Editor for a role, they will be overwritten if the role’s permissions are updated with the Form Manager or Configuration Module. For this reason, when applying custom permissions to a form for a role, the workflow should be: Set the base level permissions with the Form Manager or Configuration Module, THEN apply the custom permissions with the clevr Form Editor.
Specialized access rights should only be applied manually with the Editor where they deviate from the parent’s right. If a role has full access, you don’t need to additionally mark the tab right as full access.
Elements take on the rights of their parent by default. For example, if the 97 container of a tab has been marked as full access for the teacher role with the Form Manager or Configuration Module, all child fields (elements) within the tab will also have this right applied to them unless they’ve been modified with the Editor.
The key to successfully applying access rights with the Editor is to only apply them where the rights deviate from the base level permission. For example, if a role already has full access to the form, you do not need to additionally mark a tab as full access for that role. You only need to apply rights that differ from the parent – for example if the teacher role has full access to a form but you don’t want them to see a specific tab, then you would use the editor to update this right to “no access”.
Tab level access rights should be applied on the 97 container of the tab or the element, not the field itself.

Rights applied to specific elements should be applied to the parent container if it exists rather than on the actual field.

With the clevr Form Editor open, click to select the container you’d like to apply the specialized rights to, then click on the Apply Rights option in the accordion. The element you’ve selected will appear with a blueish colour. Make sure the 97 container is selected.

To apply new rights, scroll down and click the plus sign, then select the role and right you’d like to update. When you click the plus sign a new row will appear, the default role that will appear in the role dropdown is Superuser. Simply select the role and access level you’d like to apply, then click the apply button.

To change an existing right, scroll through the apply rights portion of the accordion until you find it. Select the access right you’d like to update, then scroll to the bottom and hit apply. If you overlook hitting apply before clicking on something else within the clevr Form Editor the rights will not save and you will need to apply them again.

To remove an existing right, click the “mark for deletion” checkbox, then scroll down and hit apply. This will change the right to no access.

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