The screen most users land on upon logging into clevr is called the Homescreen. There are many different areas and functions on the Homescreen, this document will identify all the different areas. Please note that not all users / roles will have access to all the features shown below. Permissions to the below modules / areas are set by the district.

Here is what the Homescreen looks like. Each section on the Homescreen will be outlined further below.

clevr Running records section

Icon Bar

clevr icon bar above the clevr logo
Item # Feature Name Feature Description
1 Logout Button Click this button to be logged out of clevr. Clicking logout is not required – after 60 minutes of inactivity your session will timeout and take you to the login screen.
2 Linked Accounts If a user has more than one account, this button can be clicked to change accounts without the need to re-enter the password.
3 Home Button Click this icon when you are within a form or module to be taken back to the homescreen.
4 Information Click this icon to open a clevr User Guide.
5 Change Password Users who have the ability to change their password will have access to this icon.

Note: If your clevr login screen says the name of your District or Division; if you log into clevr with your District username and password; or if you click on a tile and are automatically logged into clevr then you will not be able to change your password.

6 Notification Board If you are a user who received notifications, click this icon to be taken to the Notification Board.


The Notifications Board will show you all notifications that have been submitted to you, the name of the user who submitted the notification, which form it was for and the action needed.

7 Signature Upload This is where you upload an image of your signature if your district is using Electronic Signatures in their printouts.

Menu Bar

clevr data sharing platform dashboard menu bar
Item # Feature Name Feature Description
8 School Dropdown Users who are associated with multiple locations can use this dropdown to change schools.
9 Home Click this button to be taken back to the Homescreen.
10 Admin Menu Users with permission for the below modules can find them within this menu option:

  • User Module
  • Tenant Logos
  • Location Module
  • Groups and Classes
  • Login Audit Log
  • Text File Integration
  • Alerts
  • Tenant Module
  • SDS Data Transfer
  • Data Import / Export
  • Merge Persons
11 Analysis Menu Users with permission for the below modules can find them within this menu option:

  • Dynamic Charting
  • Advanced Search
  • Email Scheduler
12 Reports Menu This menu option will only appear when a form with Custom Reports is selected. Use this menu to select which Custom Report you would like to generate.
13 Help Menu clevr Support contact information and links to the clevr Support Site can be found within this menu option.
14 Bulk Menu Users with permission for the below modules can find them within this menu option:

  • Bulk Data Entry
  • Bulk Printing
15 About The latest clevr version number along with the date the release was applied can be viewed here.

Search Bar

clevr Running Records search, add, and clear buttons
Item # Feature Name Feature Description
15 Grid View Data Entry Click this icon to access the Grid View Data Entry module. When a form has been setup for Grid View, this module allows you to update multiple records from a single screen.
16 Status Students are automatically filtered based on their status within your Student Information System so that you see only students who are currently enrolled by default. To see the records of students who have left the school select “Inactive”. “Pre-registered” student are those who have been added to your SIS with a start date in the future – for example in the Fall new K students are pre-registered after they have been added to your SIS but before the first day of classes.
17 Form Dropdown Use this dropdown to change forms.
18 Filter Selection Use this dropdown to select which field to filter by. Use with item #19 to enter parameter specifics. Only form fields that have been flagged will appear in this dropdown as filter options.

Note: only records with fields that match the parameters entered will be displayed. If a person is not appearing on the homescreen with a filter it is likely because the corresponding field on the form does not match your input.

19 Filter Input When you select a field to filter by in #18, use this field to input the parameter criteria.
20 Search Options When a filter has been entered, press the search button to run it. The add button can be pressed to enter a maximum of three different filters. Use clear to discard your filters.
21 Required Fields Search If the form has required fields, this dropdown can be used to filter for records with 100% completion or records that are not complete.
22 Role Dropdown If the district is using an implementation with staff and school forms, the role dropdown will allow users to filter out specific roles from the Homescreen listing.

Student Table

clevr Student Table section

When a pop up has been blocked within Microsoft Internet Explorer, an Information Bar will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Click on the Options for this site button shown below.

Item # Feature Name Feature Description
23 Add Button Use this button to add desired staff, students, or schools to the form. If a person has already been added to the form and you try to add them again, it will simply open their most recent record.
24 Copy / Save Buttons The homescreen list can be copied from clevr to be pasted into your word processing or spreadsheet software of choice (such as Microsoft Word or Excel and Google Docs or Sheets).

If you would prefer to save a PDF or CSV file with the results, click the Save button and choose the option you would prefer. You will be prompted to save the file to your computer.

25 Hide From List The red X is a hide button, not a delete button. Clicking this will hide the record from the homescreen. No data will be removed – if a record was removed in error, simply re-add the person via the Add Button (shown in #23). When added back to the listing all their data will be present.
26 Edit Record Click this button to open the record for the specified person.
27 Sort Click on the column heading on the homescreen to sort the list in alphabetical / numerical order. Click twice to reverse the ordering.
28 Next Page If the form has more than 25 records added to it, click these buttons to view other pages.
29 Number of Records This shows you the number of records that are available on the Homescreen. The maximum number of records that can be displayed is 500.