clevr forms are no longer restricted to just student forms; you can now have staff forms or even location forms! In the clevr 9.1 release update we introduced the All Roles dropdown so that users are able to control which role they are viewing records for. If your implementation only uses student forms then you will not have access to this dropdown.

This new dropdown is available in many different screens within clevr such as:

•Homescreen                                                               •Bulk Data Entry

•Advanced Search                                                       •Bulk Printing

•Add Person Screen                                                    •Dashboard

•User Module                                                                •And More!

By default, the All Roles dropdown is set to “All Roles”. To search for a role, choose it from the dropdown and click Search. Here are some sample screenshots of this dropdown within different modules:

clevr All Roles selected drop down

Homescreen All Roles Dropdown

clevr all roles selection for grouping

                                   Homescreen All Roles Dropdown