Alerts are messages used to communicate important information to end users that can be deployed to different areas within clevr such as the Homescreen, Dashboard, etc. You can create, manage, and deploy Alerts via the Alerts Module..

clevr notice stating data from PowerSchool has been imported into the EIE Codes and ELL codes on the SRT Referral and Request for Support forms. AS a result, these fields are now "Read only" in clevr

On the New Dashboard, the Alerts Module can be accessed by clicking on Configuration > Alerts:

clevr Configuration drop down menu showing alerts


Within the legacy menus, the Alerts Module can be access by clicking on Admin > Alerts:

clevr dashboard legacy menus admin dropdown menu with alerts modules

Adding Alerts

To add an alert, click the “Add Alert” link within the Alerts Module:

clevr “Add Alert” link within the Alerts Module
clevr Add Alert form and required fields

Message Title – Give your Alert a name. This will not be viewable within the alert, only the Alerts Module to help you tell them apart.

Message – Enter the message that you want to display within the Alert.

Page Location – Select the location where you want the alert to appear. You have a choice of Dashboard, Login, Main, or Template.

  • Login will add the alert to your login screen (only applicable for active directory enabled clients).

  • Main will add the alert to the landing page – for example, the Homescreen

  • Template will make the alert appear when a user opens a form

  • Dashboard will make the alert appear within the Dashboard Messages Card

clevr Messages list for alerts


Message Type: This field you would choose the type of message you would like to send out. You have a choice of Notice, Warning, Error, or Success. This works with all alerts except “Dashboard”.

  • Notice (blue icon): A notice Alert is a notice to users. Ex: “upcoming important dates

  • Warning (yellow icon): A warning Alert is something of importance. Ex: “maintenance of the site

  • Error (red icon): An error Alert notifies users of a possible bug in the system. The Alert may also include the expected resolution date. Ex: “IEP printout bug, expected date of resolution December 5th

  • Success (green icon): A success alert notifies users when something is fixed. Ex. “the IPRC fix is now in place

Status – This determines whether an alert is on, off, or scheduled

Some users will also have the ability to control which roles an alert will appear to. Selecting a role will appear within the “Add Alert” screen down towards the bottom. Check the checkbox beside the roles you wish to see the alert:

clevr dashboard alerts filters

Click save to create your alert.

Modifying Existing Alerts

Existing alerts can be modified by navigating into the alerts module and clicking the name of the alert you’d like to change.

clevr alerts section with the frequently used documents message title highlighted