Editor How-To

Adding Signatures

Updated on: October 12, 2022

For each signature on the form, if a signature image is required on the report, you are going to need a signature element. This can be found under Report Data in the menu. These are often paired with the signed user’s name, and the sign date.

After clicking on Signatures the signature element will appear wherever the cursor is on the page. Instead of using the menu, you could also type {signature;#;#} where you would like the signature image to appear.

There are two parameters in the signature element (represented by #). The first parameter represents the ElementID of the signature id field.

The second parameter represents the height of the signature image. This is generally set to 147 but can be altered as preferred in order to better suit the report.

A completed signature element may look similar to the following:


A basic complete signature section – which will often include the signee’s name and the sign date – may look like the following:

The source code for this section is as follows:


In the box that pops up, go to the last line and hit enter to start a new line. Lastly, paste the code onto that new line and click Ok. The signature section should now show up at the bottom of the report editor, which can be copied and pasted to the correct location.

How to Hide an Empty Checkbox

Depending on how the checkbox is displayed on the report, there are 3 ways to go about displaying a checkbox only if it is checked.

The first method applies when using a checkbox table. By setting the final parameter in a checkbox table element to it will only display checkboxes within the specified container (the first parameter) which have been checked.

The second method applies to standalone checkboxes. This is similar to the checkbox table but it is done in the opposite manor. In order to hide the checkbox unless it is checked, the last parameter in standalone checkbox elements must be set to true.

Lastly, if neither of the above methods work, you can utilize ifNotBlank logic in order to hide any elements between the two tags based on if there is data in a specified element. ifNotBlank logic can be accessed under Logic in the menu. For checkboxes, If Not Blank Container should be used.

Once clicked, the start and end tags with some example content between them will show up. The parameter(s) in this logic tag (represented by #,#..) is a single ElementID or a comma separated list of ElementID’s. This logic tag works by checking if there is content inside of any elements described in the parameter, and if there is it will display the content between the two tags, but if there isn’t then the content will be hidden. This can be applied to checkboxes by using the ElementID in logic tag’s parameter.

How to Show a Textbox With Data in it

In the same fashion as the last method of How to Hide an Empty Checkbox, ifNotBlank logic will be used to hide the textbox unless it has data in it. Follow the same steps as previously outlined, but instead of using a checkbox ElementID use the textbox’s ElementID. Call the textbox info between the two tags and it will show/hide respecting if it has data in it or not.

Alternatively if this “Other” textbox is associated with a checkbox, the extend attribute can be used. On the form itself, select the “Other” checkbox and apply the extend attribute, using the ElementID of the “Other” textbox as the value.

On the report, this will be referred to by using the {extend} element for checkbox tables, or {cExtend#;”true”} for standalone checkboxes. (replace # with the ElementID of the “Other” checkbox).